Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mango Plantation on the Mekong River

Saturday continued with a visit to Blue's grandma's mango plantation on the Mekong River.  Driving in we saw the rows of mango trees as we approached her home on the river.  She has a beautiful view from an outdoor area overlooking the river.  The breeze was so refreshing.  We could have stayed there all day.  

We left there to go visit her friends down the road, they own a Lichee plantation on the river.  We ate Lichee which taste kind of like grapes with big seeds.  There were beautiful flowers growing there as well.  Everyone was so friendly and welcoming to us.  We really got a taste of Thai life visiting these homes.


  1. Hello, I am going to share your blog in school. I am sure the boys will find it most interesting.

    Love, Marylee

  2. Hey Marylee, how cool is that? We would love to hear their comments.
