Friday, March 27, 2009

The AM Class!

Welcome to the morning class!  A few students took the day off : ), I learned this afternoon they may have been studying for entrance exams.  School is starting in May!  
They are concocting an outing for us all next week sometime.  We will keep you posted.  Lynne's class will be invited to join in the night out!  I will treasure the memories of them in my heart, mind and ears!


  1. Phyllis, I am sure if you ever go back, Nicole might be interested. We had talked about a similar experience in Africa, but one must commit for an entire year!

  2. Well there was talk around the dinner table of coming back, and bringing a group of people with us; maybe staying a little longer and spend a week traveling! There was also talk about Africa, I want to go and be with the orphaned children from the AIDs epidemic. Thanks for letting me know. This amount of time has been good, and to go with someone you know is a must, in my book : )
    Love ya
