Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our Last Sunday


We hosted two outreaches on Sunday at our 
place.  It was wonderful to stay at home after being so busy over the weekend.  In the morning our cell group came over along with some of our students and we enjoyed playing games, talking about the Friday night message and of course eating.  Thai people always include food in any gathering.  We ate lunch next door at Mall Bangkapi.  Later that afternoon a group of students came over along with our cell group again and we had a great time playing lots of games, sharing our lives and watching a dvd together.  We heard an amazing story during our time about how God revealed Himself to a young man studying to take the bar exam. He took it twice and did not pass it.  He remembered a friend of his who talked about praying to God.  He contacted this friend and wondered if God would listen to his prayers.  His friend encouraged him what to pray for about the test.  During his prayers he made a pact with God, that if he passed he would seek Him out.  He would know that God was real.  In the process of preparing to take the exam, he felt the need to go to the courthouse, but he was not sure why.  While he was there a bulletin board containing information on inheritance laws caught his eye.  He took out a notebook and began to write down all the information available.  While he was writing, he had a thought that he knew what the question would be.  (He would only have an opportunity to answer one question to pass the exam)  He thought "How could this be, that he would know the question?"  It seemed impossible.  So he continued to ask God to help him and he heard "Don't worry".  When it was time to take the exam, he went into the room, and sat across from 3 interviewers.  The exam was pushed across the table, and the one question he had to answer was the very one he had thought earlier.  He was amazed by this, and followed through on his promise to seek God because now he knew God was real.  He has been practicing law for 2 years now and has found God to be real and faithful in his life.  It was so encouraging to hear how personal God is and how He reveals Himself to each individual.  We learned that most Thai's religion encompasses Buddhism, Hinduism and animism.  They can worship up to three gods but can never directly pray to these god's they are prayed for by the monks or by "doing merits".  If one god doesn't answer their prayers, they move on to the next one.  I love that we can all know the one true God and that He always hears our prayers!  It was a day that impacted us in a powerful way- God is amazing!

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